
Your OpenNetmask team is constantly reviewing and reading the latest updates and opinions regarding network privacy and use.  We will selectively share posts and articles here.  Recent articles appear at the top of the list:

The Hacker News:Privacy Bug in Brave Browser Exposes .onion Dark-Web Browsing History of Its Users

BBC: Report on Email Spy Pixels becoming endemic

The Intercept: Facebook Managers Trash Their Own Ad Targeting in Unsealed Remarks

MacRumors: Apple Responds to Facebook's Anti-Tracking Criticism, Says Users Deserve Control and Transparency

ZDnet: Firefox to ship 'network partitioning' as a new anti-tracking defense

Tech Crunch: Australia uses Facebook over its use of Onavo to snoop

The Register: Ad blocking made Google throw its toys out of the pram....


Version 1.2 (03-02-2021), Copyright © 2020-2021 OpenNetmask LLC.  All rights reserved.